The 3D-Nanofinger®



... covering the features of
Profilometers and
Coordinate Measuring Machines






The 3D-Nanofinger covers the features of Profilometers and 3D Coordinate Measuring Machines. In comparison with standard Profilometers the 3D-Nanofinger has three equivalent axes of movement, e.g. to measure along outer and inner contours like small holes. 3D-Nanofinger: Profilometer and Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM, Koordinatenmessgerät) in one unit!
®: Nanofinger is a registered trademark of Klocke Nanotechnik GmbH, Aachen


Profilometer and Coordinate Measuring Machine, or CMM are tools for measuring the features of objects. Most of the Profilometer are able to measure in two dimensions: X and Y. Our 3D-Nanofinger is able to combine the strength of both: The ability of a Profilometer in measuring along the X and Y axis, and the ability of the Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) in measuring the both two dimensional axis plus the dimension of depth.

Coordinate Measuring Machine

The Coordinate Measuring Machine, CMM, stands for the measuring of objects in all three dimensions. Allthough the CMM can measure one more dimension than the Profilometer, it cannot measure the surface roughness. 3D-Nanofinger combines the capabilities of both of them.


The CMM or Coordinate Measuring Machine, in German Koordinatenmessgerät can measuring all dimension features of an object because of its precise movement in all three dimensions. With an sensor diameter of a few mm, it can measure objects with a coarse structure from 5 sides.


Our 3D-Nanofinger is an innovation in the area of measuring machines. Its strength lays in the combination of the benefits of a standard Profilometer and a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM). If you are looking for an allround genius for measuring objects, 3D-Nanofinger is the right tool for you.


Operation modes:
- Linescans
- 3D Profiles
- Inner Contours
- Outer Contours

Single Nanometer Resolution
Range up to 50 mm in XY
Vertical range: 20 mm
Probe tips with plenty of shapes

Data Analysis:
- Linescan Profiles
- Contour Profiles
- Surface Roughness
- Coordinate Measurements in 3D

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