Particle Sorting

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  • With the Nanoworkbench from Klocke Nanotechnik particle sorting is very fast, easy and secure.
  • One process can be used for plenty of different disciplines and markets, e.g. material or forensic research, pathology, bio-engineering, microassembly, nano-preparation, semiconductor developments etc.
  • The Live Image Positioning module allows to direct the micro-gripper for particle sorting in xy to the target area just by mouse-click into the SEM image.
  • The Nanofinger® operating as Scout finds the height of the particle to grip and guides the gripper automatically to the sample, also on isolators.
  • After Assistant-supported gripping the SEM-stage is moved automatically to the pre-defined target position and the particle can be released – if it sticks in the gripper with the help of the Nanofinger® tip
  • This particle sorting process can be combined with further Application Packages like force distance measurement, material characterization, material testing, etc.
  • Automated particle sorting macros, only grip and release is a manual step
  • Different gripper types available, e.g. with user-exchangeable tips and electrical in-situ tip adjustment
  • Particle Sorting is an application package of the Nanoworkbench
  • It is also available as a stand-alone module
  • Grippers can be combined with any of our Nanorobotics manipulators
  • Gripper tips can be customized or exchanged by the user against own tips

This application package is part of the Nanoworkbench